How to Use a Dehumidifier: To Close Windows or Not? Two Essential Tips to Note!

Posted Ken 25/05/2023 0 Comment(s)

Hong Kong's humid weather can be very troublesome! To avoid indoor humidity and furniture mold, it's crucial to know how to correctly use a dehumidifier to effectively remove indoor moisture, creating a more comfortable space. Read on to learn some important points about using a dehumidifier!


How do Dehumidifiers Work?


Dehumidifiers draw moist air into the machine using a fan. This moisture enters a condenser, and under the action of the compressor, water vapor in the moist air condenses into liquid droplets in the condenser. These droplets are then collected into a water tank, and dry, warm air is expelled through the heat exchanger.

Proper Use of Dehumidifiers


Using a dehumidifier is simple. It should be placed on a stable surface, with obstructions to the air inlet and outlet avoided, ensuring sufficient space for the machine to dissipate heat.


How to Dry Clothes Using a Dehumidifier?


When using a dehumidifier to dry clothes, ensure doors and windows are closed to create a confined space, preventing moisture ingress, which could affect the dehumidifying effect. 

Note: Do not hang dripping clothes directly above the dehumidifier to prevent water droplets from entering the machine, which could cause safety issues.


Regular Usage and Maintenance of Dehumidifier


Regularly clean the condenser and water tank to ensure normal operation and prolong its lifespan. When not in use, unplug the machine and cover the air inlet with a dust cover or plastic bag to prevent dust from entering and affecting its operation.


Points to Consider When Buying a Dehumidifier


Before buying a dehumidifier, consider your home's size and local climate. If the area to be dehumidified is large, choose a dehumidifier with a larger capacity. Additionally, depending on personal needs, you can choose a dehumidifier with an air purification function.


Frequently Asked Questions


Do You Need to Close the Windows When Using a Dehumidifier?


When using a dehumidifier, ensure doors and windows are closed to prevent the ingress of moisture, which could affect its performance.

Why is it Still Humid Even After Using a Dehumidifier?


This could be due to the dehumidifier's capacity and the room size. If the space is too large or the environment too humid, you'll need a dehumidifier with a higher capacity.


Can an Air Conditioner Substitute a Dehumidifier?


Some air conditioners have dehumidifying capabilities, but they may be less effective and slower, whilst also consuming more power than dehumidifiers. Hence, it's not recommended to replace a dehumidifier with an air conditioner.


What to Be Mindful of When Using a Dehumidifier?


Ensure the dehumidifier is placed flat on a surface, with ample ventilation around the machine, and keep doors and windows closed to maintain good dehumidifying performance.


Do Dehumidifiers Need Regular Cleaning?


Yes! If not properly cleaned, dust can block the machine's operation, and accumulated water may cause mold in the water tank, affecting the dehumidifier's operation.

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