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While it's common for people to use laundry detergent and softener to wash their clothes, detergent alone may not be enough to get your clothes thoroughly clean. All the germs and bacteria can stay in the washing machine and spread to your fresh load of laundry. That's also why some clothes may smell musty even though they are fresh from the washer.
Some may suggest adding 2 caps of Dettol each time you clean your clothes. While this can kill bacteria effectively, it also leaves your clothes with that iconic piercing smell we're all familiar with, so it's hardly an ideal way to wash your clothes. In fact, there are a lot of washing machines that come with disinfecting and antibacterial functions, but which one should you choose? Read on to find out 4 of the most popular antibacterial washing machines that you need to consider!
Some washing machine models offer a “steam clean” feature, which helps to open up the fibers of the clothes and destroy the cell walls of the bacteria with high-heat steam. These steam washing machines can typically reach temperatures of up to 60-90°C (140-194°F) — hot enough to kill most germs and bacteria. Additionally, steam washers can help accelerate the dissolution rate of laundry detergents, making them even more effective at killing bacteria. During the post-wash phase, the steam can also loosen and relax wrinkles, saving you the hassle of always ironing your clothes.
Recommended model: ELECTROLUX EW7F3846HB 8KG 1400RPM Front loaded Washing Machine with Vapour Care
Washer-dryers are great at killing bacteria during laundry, as temperatures above 60°C are lethal to most microbes. Since heat is one of the most effective methods for killing germs and bacteria, drying your clothes on a high-heat setting can ensure it lays waste to harmful microorganisms in your load. Besides, some washer-dryer combos offer different modes for killing germs while cleaning the laundry drum and evaporating any remaining moisture inside the machine, further eliminating the chance of bacteria growth.
Recommended model: SIEMENS WD14S460HK WASHER DRYER
Other than temperature, some washing machine models also incorporate different technologies that can effectively eliminate bacteria, including UV light, Ag+ ion (silver ion), and active oxygen — all of which are powerful disinfectants that reduce the level of bacteria and other microorganisms living inside the washing machine.
Activated oxygen refers to the three oxygen atoms in the oxygen molecule, which is more active than the ordinary two-atom oxygen molecule. Combined with activated oxygen, these types of washing machines can kill 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mold, as well as eliminate all kinds of odors, including smoke, grease, and pet odor.
Recommended model: BOSCH WGA244BGHK Front Loader Washing Machine (Active Oxygen + Allergy Plus)
Still not sure which model best suits your needs? Your best bet is to check out our full list of antibacterial washers and dryers. All models are equipped with automatic self-sterilization and antibacterial technology to keep your clothes clean and fresh at all times.
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